by David and Shadra Bruce | Branding and Visibility, Content
There is no doubt about the power of storytelling. The ways that we, as humans, connect and relate to one another involves story one hundred percent of the time. We are constantly telling parts of story, whether the story is our personal history, or the collective...
by David and Shadra Bruce | Branding and Visibility, SMB Solutions
Running a business is about more than providing excellent service. Service is important, but first you have to get people through your doors and to your website. Your marketing strategy is an important component, but there are certain elements of your brand that you...
by David and Shadra Bruce | Branding and Visibility
Most of us are probably aware of what could potentially become the latest PR “oops.” IHOP is temporarily swapping its classic brand name for IHOb, an acronym that represents the International House of burgers. Unfortunately, Twitter is already having their way with...
by Shadra Bruce | Branding and Visibility, Content, Social Media
Technology and market trends continue to change how businesses engage with consumers, and the coming year has a lot to offer in terms of social media and content marketing. Accordingly, it’s time to ramp up your marketing strategy for 2018. Your business needs a fresh...
by Shadra Bruce | Branding and Visibility
Open, honest communication is the best foundation for any relationship, but remember that at the end of the day it’s not what you say or what you do, but how you make people feel that matters the most.–Tony Hsieh Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, understands something that...